The aim of the Halifax Naturalists Society founded in 1874 is to stimulate an interest in, conserve, record & educate others of the Natural History of Calderdale.
There are members at all levels of knowledge and experience, from enthusiastic beginners to those with specialist knowledge in their chosen fields. Our interests are wide-ranging, covering the spectrum of natural history. We provide a forum for naturalists of all ages and abilities to meet and explore the wildlife of the local area.
The HSS holds monthly talks on natural history and science for pleasure on the second Tuesday of the month starting at 7.15pm. Talks cover a wide variety of topics and are given by a range of fascinating experts in a way which can be understood to both those with experience and those who just want to come along and see what it’s all about! Non-members welcome.
The group carries out local conservation work. We also hold regular weekend walks and trips to look at the natural history of Calderdale, led by experienced naturalists who can informally introduce walkers to the fascinating landscape we live in. Walks are of varying lengths and difficulties, and generally take between 3 – 5 hours to complete. Our walks are a chance to locate, examine & record different species of fauna & flora in the area as well as pointing out other things of interest such as geological features and past industry.
Why not get in touch with nature? Either go to an evening talk or go for a walk through beautiful countryside out in the fresh air. We are a friendly group and look forward to meeting you.