The Tree Detective


8th October

7:15 pm

In association with HSS

Come along and meet Jonathan Cocking, founder and principal consultant of JCA LTD (U.K.) and former president of the European Arboricultural Council.  Jonathan started his career as a tree-climber back in 1979. “The strength of a horse chesnut branch compared to an oak branch is significant”, says Jon “its not something you learn about in college, but its certainly something you learn when you are in the trees.”

Jonathan talks about his extensive professional experience, which includes 31 years in the field of consulting arboriculture and 8 years as a senior tree officer with Bradford council.  Jonathan works as an expert witness with much experience in litigation work. When accidents happen involving trees he is called in to investigate the root cause of the problem, and often finds himself to be the only special branch detective on the case!

Jonathan’s work takes him to many parts of the world and he mixes both with royalty and rock stars. He was an early adopter of chainsaw sculpture. For relaxation he often carves owls, woodpeckers, squirrels, and on one occasion, a rhinoceros.